What Are the Leading Causes of Chronic Pain?

best chiropractor dallas tx

Chronic pain is a debilitating condition that affects millions of people worldwide. Understanding its root causes is essential for effective management and relief. Read further to delve into the leading causes of chronic pain and how seeking help from the best chiropractor in Dallas, TX, or a joint pain specialist can make a significant difference in finding relief.

Musculoskeletal Issues:

Problems with the musculoskeletal system are a common source of chronic pain. Conditions like osteoarthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis can lead to persistent joint and muscle discomfort. Seeking the expertise of a joint pain specialist in Dallas is crucial for accurate diagnosis and tailored treatment.

Spinal Conditions:

Back pain is one of the most prevalent types of chronic pain. Issues such as herniated discs, spinal stenosis, and degenerative disc disease often contribute to ongoing discomfort. Fortunately, a chiropractor in Dallas TX offers access to advanced treatments for back pain relief.

Injuries and Trauma:

Accidents, falls, and sports injuries can result in chronic pain, particularly if left untreated. Seeking prompt medical attention from a skilled back pain treatment specialist can prevent acute injuries from developing into chronic conditions.


Chronic inflammation is the root cause of various pain conditions. Management of inflammation through medical and chiropractic interventions is essential.

Nerve Damage:

Nerve damage can cause persistent pain. A comprehensive approach to treatment, which may include chiropractic care, can help alleviate nerve-related chronic pain.

If you or a loved one are struggling with chronic pain, it’s crucial to connect with a specialist who can provide expert guidance and tailored treatment options. Don’t let chronic pain dictate your life. Reach out
to Dr. Karl Jawhari and his team to explore personalized solutions that can help you regain control, alleviate discomfort, and improve your overall quality of life. With the right guidance and support, a pain- free future is within reach. Contact us!